Uploading Image In Laravel Lighthouse GraphQL

Tamrakar Shreyaa
3 min readMay 4, 2023



After creating a fresh Laravel application, the next step is to install nuwave/lighthouse to enable the use of Lighthouse. For more information on how to install Lighthouse, please check out this link

Single Image Upload

Open your graphql/schema.graphql and add the following :

scalar Upload
@scalar(class: "Nuwave\\Lighthouse\\Schema\\Types\\Scalars\\Upload")

extend type Query{
"collection of user"
users: [User!]! @paginate
"user find by id"
user(id: ID @eq ): User @find


extend type Mutation {

"Single File Upload in Single Input"
upload(image: Upload!,id: ID): String


type User{
id: ID,
name: String,
email: String,
email_verified_at: String ,

profile_photo_path: String,

Create a mutation

php artisan lighthouse:mutation Upload

namespace App\GraphQL\Mutations;

use App\Models\User;

final class Upload
* @param null $_
* @param array{} $args
public function __invoke(mixed $root, array $args): ?string
/** @var \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile $file */

$file = $args['image'];

$path= $file->storePublicly('uploads');
return $user;

Open your postman and add the following :

If you are unsure about the key operations and their values, you can refer to the entire query for clarification.

{"query":"mutation MyMutation($file: Upload!) { upload(image:$file,id:1)} "}

Multiple Image Upload

Open your graphql/schema.graphql and add the following :

scalar Upload
@scalar(class: "Nuwave\\Lighthouse\\Schema\\Types\\Scalars\\Upload")

extend type Query{
"collection of user"
images: [Image!]! @all
"user find by id"
image(id: ID @eq ): Image @find


extend type Mutation {
"Multiple Upload in a single input"
BulkImageUpload(images: [Upload]!,id:ID):String


type Image{
id: ID,
user:User @belongsTo,


Create a mutation

php artisan lighthouse:mutation BulkImageUpload

If you are unsure about the key operations and their values, you can refer to the entire query for clarification.

 {"query": "mutation MyMutation($files: [Upload]!) { BulkImageUpload(images: $files,id:1)  }"}

Single file upload into multiple input names

Open your graphql/schema.graphql and add the following :

scalar Upload
@scalar(class: "Nuwave\\Lighthouse\\Schema\\Types\\Scalars\\Upload")

extend type Query{
"collection of user"
users: [User!]! @paginate
"user find by id"
user(id: ID @eq ): User @find


extend type Mutation {

"Single file upload into multiple input names"
MultipleImageUpload(profile_photo_path: Upload!,avatar_path: Upload!,id:ID): String


type User{
id: ID,
name: String,
email: String,
email_verified_at: String ,
profile_photo_path: String,
avatar_path: String

Create a mutation

php artisan lighthouse:mutation MultipleImageUpload

If you are unsure about the key operations and their values, you can refer to the entire query for clarification.

{"query":"mutation MyMutation($profile_photo_path: Upload!,$avatar_path: Upload!) { MultipleImageUpload(profile_photo_path:$profile_photo_path,avatar_path:$avatar_path,id:2)} "}



Tamrakar Shreyaa
Tamrakar Shreyaa

Written by Tamrakar Shreyaa

Laravel | PHP | Node| nestjs |API | AJAX | jQuery | Laravel vue | Livewire | LAMP stack | CI CD

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